Eye Bags? This natural way works super fast for it

Eye Bags - natural treatment
Eminence Skincare

Eye bags are mild puffiness under the eyes that come with age.

As you grow the muscles supporting the eyelids and the tissues around the eyes weaken. This causes the normal fat that supports the eye to move to the lower eyelids causing puffiness.

Eye bags give the eyes a constantly ‘tired’ and ageing look, making people look like they desperately need to sleep. Though they are really nothing to be alarmed about, that slightly vain part of us just wants to get rid of it anyways or what do you say?

Eye Bags

Lifestyle habits including daily stressful living, and inadequate sleep (there’s a reason it’s called beauty sleep) are also causes of droopy eyes.

A lot of over-the-counter creams or skincare products work to get rid of the bags including eye gels, cooling pads and so on and are effective for some people but if you’d rather get immediate results with something you can boast as natural, this fast tip with ice cubes works every time!

Eye Bags

What to do:

  1. Reduce and relieve the swelling under the eyes by lying down first
  2. Place ice cubes over the eyes making sure they and the ice cubes are clean 
  3. Wear a sleeping mask or have a clean piece of clothing to keep the ice cubes in place for a few minutes at a time
  4. Do this for as long as you can bear at a time then continue till you get the desired result
  5. Continue with moisturizer afterwards and then makeup as usual

Will you be trying this simple DIY out? Don’t forget to share the results.